About me
About me
This page is all about me, what I do and why I do it. You'll find questions with answers on this page. For press inquiries, please see this page instead.
I stand with Palestine. Here's a list of trusted charities you can support.
I do not stand with Ukraine nor Russia. Here's why.
Who I Am
Who even am I?
Hey there, I'm Spencer Ledger. Currently, I'm a secondary school student.
Where am I from?
If not evident by my name, I am a British citizen. I have lived in Britain all of my life.
Where do I reside?
I live in Great Britain, Western Europe. My timezone is Greenwich Mean Time, and British Summer Time in summer months.
What is my religion?
I am a non-denominational theist. What is a non-denominational theist? It depends on who you ask, but my beliefs are that there is a higher power, such as a God, but nobody has to adhere to a specific religious doctrine or tradition. No single religion is "correct" and people do not need to follow a particular faith to be right with any higher powers. I believe in concepts like Heaven and Hell, but I do not tie them to any specific religion.
What is my ideology?
There isn't a direct name for my beliefs, but they align with participatory socialism and democratic socialism. I focus on state involvement in social welfare, direct democracy, and the importance of worker control, while also allowing for a regulated economic environment. If you want to know more about my ideology, visit my dedicated page for it.
What I Do
What do I get up to?
In my free time, I like to read the news, I also like to look at politics. However, talking internet security, I like to make the internet a better place. I use sites like phish.report to report fake and malicious websites, having taken down multiple websites myself. Sometimes, I even buy domains that could be used maliciously and redirect them to this very website! On this topic, click here to read about the most convincing phishing scam I've seen to date. Also, I've compiled a list of websites I've taken down, click here to view it.
What do I study?
I take 4 courses. I study Computer Science, Creative iMedia, History and Geography.
What's the most challenging thing I've done recently?
My November 2024 exam wave was extremely stressful, though I'm sure my exams in May will be worse.
What is the most important skill I think someone should possess?
Good patience, in my opinion, is a highly valuable quality to possess since different people communicate in different ways, and you'll need patience with some people.
Passions & Interests
What kind of music do I listen to?
I feel I should link my last.fm page here. Also, I have 3 main Spotify playlists, you're more than welcome to check them out:
What's my favourite band?
My favourite band is definitely Vampire Weekend. The Postal Service closely following. Though, I have been listening to The Decemberists for a while, and it'd feel incorrect to not put ABBA here.
What's my favourite song?
My favourite song is constantly changing, and I do my best to keep this up-to-date, but I can't always promise. As at January 2025, I enjoy The Wrong Year by The Decemberists and Better Not Wake the Baby by The Decemberists.
What book am I currently reading?
Like many, I find it hard to stick to just one book, and usually get side tracked by another. I'm currently actively reading Sailing Close to the Wind by Dennis Skinner and The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
What's something I like to do?
I enjoy making new friends and talking with familiar faces. So basically, socialising.
What's my favourite TV show/series?
I really recently finished rewatching Superstore, a show about a community of workers. Coming back to it, I see that it's rather pro-worker, and pro-unionist. I enjoy how the show manages to blend emotions with humour. I'd say give it a watch.
What's one thing I'm passionate about?
Politics, in the United Kingdom, mainly. Though, I do try and keep up-to-date with international politics.
What's a cause I strongly believe in and support?
One thing that I strongly believe in is the need to support the LGBTQ+ community. I feel this is about helping LGBTQ+ people feel valued and more accepted in today's society. The support is about furthering equal rights, fighting discrimination, and making environments more inclusive. I continue to actively support many organisations focusing on LGBTQ+ equality, including donations many times to Stonewall. I want to do my part to make the world more equitable for all.
Personal Reflections
If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I will have to say I'd go to Pyongyang in the D.P.R. Korea. It is an interesting country with different political and cultural phenomena. My interest in the DPRK has been deepened upon watching some documentaries from non-NATO sources, which, I personally feel, develop a more balanced idea regarding the nature of the country compared to more sensationalised reports.
What's the best advice I've ever received, and from whom?
The best advice I've ever received is probably from a YouTuber, BarneyHunter12, who told me: "Hi Spencer! So I have never run a successful community before, so I really do not have much advice on how to make a community successful. But what I CAN pass along is how to be a proper leader. Before my channel took off, I used to be a member of a few communities. One thing that these communities had in common was the unfortunate pattern of corruption. The leaders and higher ranks becoming obsessed and consumed with power, control, and money. Becoming arrogant, overly proud of themselves, and greedy. This corruption started from the top, and trickled its way down to the people who didn't even have much power. So while I cannot really send advice on development, advertising, or any kind of technical stuff, I CAN tell you that if you want a functional community for the long run, you have to be a humble leader, not a proud leader. Listen to those beneath you, don't view yourself as higher or more superior to anyone else, and don't let greed cloud your judgement. That's really the best advice I can pass on."
Who is someone I admire, and why?
I admire Dennis Skinner because he didn't sugar coat things in Parliament and wasn't hesitant to say things as they were.
What is my favourite quote?
"Welcome to the future, where everybody wants to live in the past." - Matt Haig.
If I could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
This is a difficult one, so many people come to mind. I would have to say Sir Keir Starmer, I would love to know what it's like to be Prime Minister for a day.
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I appreciate you taking the time to read this page! Please get in touch with me if you have any ideas for new questions to be included on this page!