My socials
My Socials
While I’m hardly posting to any of these, you’re welcome to follow in case that changes in the future. If there’s an account claiming to be me on any of these platforms, and it’s not linked from here, it’s an impersonation.
I'm not a big fan of reposting, so before you ask, I won't repost anything of yours. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but if I reposted someone's post and then accidentally missed someone else's, I wouldn't want an angry email from them saying "Hey, you reposted their post but not mine, why?!".
If you’d like to contact me, though, email is always the best way.
I have a Facebook page, but it's generally inactive, and I don't use it much apart from the occasional look at Facebook Marketplace.
Google Maps
I used to contribute loads to Google Maps, but nowadays, not so much. My contributions have 2.9M views.
I do have an Instagram account I made a while back, but I never use it.
Internet Archive (
I often save web archives on the Internet Archive, and I use it to download old files, view old webpages and browse old books.
I occasionally use for free games that can't be found elsewhere.
I used to use my Mozilla account for Firefox. Now, I mainly use it for Mozilla's Privacy Not Included blog.
I contribute to OpenStreetMap to help keep local maps accurate and up-to-date.
Here's my pronouns page, with pronouns, nicknames, honorifics, etc.
I occasionally use Reddit to see people's opinions on news and for a bit of entertainment.
I'm growing tired of Roblox and rarely use it now. You'll catch me on there on the odd day.
Roblox (DevForum)
This is different to the above Roblox profile, this is my developer profile for Roblox.
Rockstar (Social Club)
Here’s my Rockstar Social Club profile. I don't often use Social Club.
I haven't used SoundCloud properly in 3 years, but there are multiple profiles called Spencer Ledger, so I've linked my SoundCloud here.
I use Sporcle mainly for country quizzes to improve my geography skills, however I sometimes use it for other quizzes.
I have a Spotify Premium account and listen to most, if not all, of my music on there.
I have a Steam account, which is primarily home to most of the games that I own.
I hardly use this account, I only used once to view a post and I had to make an account.
Trello (Atlassian)
I have a Trello profile because I used to have to use it for one of my commissions. I no longer use it.
Yes, I have a Twitch account, but I prefer YouTube. I never even use Twitch, but I have an account, so it's on this page.
I have a W3Schools account, but I'm not very active on there at the moment.
I have made a few edits on Wikipedia, but I don't often contribute.
X (formerly Twitter)
I have an active X account @SpencerLedger. A lot of the time I'm inactive. If you need to contact me reliably, email me; it's a much better way!
While I do have an active YouTube account, I don't really post on it and generally use it to watch videos instead of create them. When you do catch me posting on there, it's likely a soundtrack.